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Healing the Sisterhood Wound

On this night, we will move to seek forgiveness for the harm we have caused other women and forgive the women who have caused us harm.

We will face our personal insecurities, take accountibility for our role in harming the collective, vow to protect and honor the sisterhood essence, and build a deeper bond with other women.

On the October New Moon, the women of The Red Tent will complete the Ho'oponopono prayer with each other, peeling back the layers of hurt and repairing the sisterhood. We will also experience a ceremonial meal faciliated by local chefs.

This event is faciliated by Lisa-Marie Del Rio, Psy.D. and members of The Red Tent Collective, Corporation.

All attendees will receive a curated gift to continue their personal healing journeys.

November 1

Blessing of the Daughters