About The red Tent Collective

The Red Tent Collective Corporation was established in 2023 by Dr. Lisa-Marie Del Rio, Psychologist, in her response to studying the numinosity of the feminine and recognizing the need for sacred, community-based space to connect women to their personal power and heal collectively. Together, with other creative & passionate women, The Red Tent Collective will make it possible for women of all ages and walks of life to receive support and be initiated into their fullest potential.

Women are a collective people. We are hard-wired to respond to, think for, and heal within the collective.

Because the female brain is primarily regulated by oxytocin, we are more sensitive to the actions of this bonding chemical, and therefore, social connections, including women’s circles, are a pillar of lifestyle medicine for us. But social distancing and a male-centered healthcare system has neglected the unique way in which women heal. The Red Tent Collective was born to create a women-informed, accessible, community-based platform combining ancestral and conventional practices to offer therapeutic interventions for women in the Hampton Roads area.

In ancient times, the red tent was a ritual tradition where menstruating women spent time resting together when the female body is naturally fatigued and highly intuitive. In the red tent, we passed down our stories and healed through connection.  Away from the demands of her environment, the woman can lay down her shield, her nervous system can relax, her system can return to a flow, and healing is now possible.

And the modern woman, calls to remember these ancient ways.

 And so, Under each new moon, in Virginia Beach, VA women will gather to receive education on women's health, to share our stories, be witnessed, and heal collectively.

The Red Tent Collective believes that woman is the medicine that the world is seeking. 

​And it is our hope to empower and uplift the sister next to us. Because her liberation is bound to ours.